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worldwide in 2024


EVPA Businness Impact Week 2024

June 12, 2024
The Hague, The Netherlands

Corporate impact actors, financial institutions and impact funds join forces for a two-day gathering where the only constant is transformative change. We're calling all transformers to join us!

Like a school bus that shapeshifts into a robot to save the day, transformers are heroic. The transformers on our guest list are heroes, too - we flip ordinary euros into solutions for people and the planet. We turn SDG shortfalls into funded scalable innovations and sustainable impact enterprises.  

Our transformers come from corporations, impact funds and financial institutions. They transform mindsets, business models, regulatory contexts, the way we fund (and the way we fund funds). We do this because those capital providers have a key role to play in deploying capital collectively and driving transformative change.  

By holding the two events Business of Impact and Capital Ideas concurrently, we want to break silos and form new connections across the continuum of capital. Collaboration across all stakeholders is how we can deliver on the most ambitious impact plans, accelerate journeys to purpose and navigate the perils of political instability in a fragmented global economy.  

Since 2019, Business of Impact is the European gathering of corporate impact stakeholders in search of the most effective ways to advance their social impact by strategically leveraging corporate resources. It brings together 200+ corporate impact actors at the intersection of their journeys to purpose.  

Transformers: corporate leaders, related foundations, impact funds and accelerators; corporate impact venturing; inclusive business leaders, sustainability/ESG/CSR leaders.

Transformations: accelerating journeys to purpose; finding convergence of impact and business agendas; shifting mindsets, governance structures and regulatory landscapes; bringing corporate leaders and empowered corporate social investors to the same table; uniting likeminded corporate impact actors around themes of youth, health, food and more.

Explore more upcoming events here.

July 4, 2024
London, United Kingdom

Social Founders EY Summer Forum 2024

May 30, 2024
Lima, Peru

Funds4impact - Summit 2024

May 27, 2024
Ghent, Belgium

The Philea Forum 2024